July  &  August , 2003


Daily Show Stuff : July, 2003 - August, 2003

"Mark Your Calendar : July" - July 10, 2003

"Ad Nauseam : Disturbing Commercials"  - July 16, 2003

It's A Furry Ed Helms in the wild!

"They Might Be Bryant's"  - July 21, 2003

I just like to see Ed adjust his glasses.

This was a preview for a story that never aired (July 21, 2003)
(sorry for these being in grayscale)

"It's something about a taint"

"Jon" Magazine Ad ["In our Attic Treasures Column, Ed Helms shows us his collection of miniature porcelain ladies shoes. He keeps them at his house, which also happens to be his mother's house. You draw your own conclusions"] (July 29, 2003)
It's Ed's mommy!!

Mark Your Calendar : August (August 6, 2003)

Arrow added by me

" Using My Religion " (August 7, 2003)

King David ROCKS!!! Arrow added by me

" Mr. Fluffums " (August 12, 2003)

" I'm Running On Ed Power " (August 18, 2003)

" Ad Nauseam's Salute To Getting Hit In The Nuts " (August 20, 2003)

September-October 2003